
Information for members

Current season
Follow the links below for the 2024/25 Season rehearsal schedule and concert dates and programmes with detailed orchestration:

Please remember that regular members are expected to attend all four Tuesday evening rehearsals prior to each concert; if you are a woodwind or horn player and unable to do so, please arrange a competent deputy.

Rehearsal venue
Recital Hall, Nascot Wood Junior School, Nascot Wood Road, Watford, Hertfordshire WD17 4YS

Concert venue
Clarendon Muse Concert Hall, 70 Rickmansworth Road, Watford, Hertfordshire WD18 7JA

The membership subscription for the 2024/25 season is £225 or, for those 30 or under, £115

If you have any queries at all about BSO matters, please contact the Secretary, James Hall: