Safeguarding Policy

How Bushey Symphony Orchestra operates

Bushey Symphony Orchestra (BSO) is a registered charity of amateur orchestral players managed by a committee elected from the membership at the annual general meeting or co- opted as necessary. Committee members are trustees of the charity. To carry out its charitable objects it presents a number of concerts a year sometimes performing with professional soloists and choirs. Rehearsals are run by our self-employed Music Director and Leader or a substitute on occasion. BSO has no employed staff. From time-to-time the BSO organises other events such as workshops and social events.

Commitment to safeguarding

BSO does not advertise itself as an activity suitable for children, young people or vulnerable adults. Members are independent adults and typically there are no young people (under 18) in the membership. Occasionally young people may be invited to join the orchestra as an extra for a particular concert. Rehearsals and performances are group activities, and there is no need for a member to be alone with another member of any age.  BSO is therefore unlikely to be targeted by a person seeking opportunities to abuse children, young people or vulnerable adults. Nevertheless, BSO recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults with whom it works and comes into contact, and believes that everyone has the right to enjoy the activities of the orchestra in a happy, safe and secure environment. The Committee has, therefore, agreed this Safeguarding Policy.

About this policy

  • This policy applies to all members, staff (whether employees or freelances), volunteers and anyone working on behalf of BSO or taking part in BSO activities.
  • The purpose of this policy is to provide members, staff and volunteers with the overarching principles that guide our approach to the protection of vulnerable people.
  • This policy recognises vulnerable people as:
  1. Children up to the age of 16 or young people aged 16-18.
  2. Adults aged over 18 defined as vulnerable by the Safeguarding Vulnerable
    Groups Act 2006; this might include adults with a learning or physical disability, a
    physical or mental illness, chronic or otherwise, including an addiction to alcohol
    or drugs, or reduced physical or mental capacity.
  • This policy aims to:
  1. Protect children, young people and vulnerable adults who are members of,
    receive services from, or volunteer for, BSO.
  2. Ensure members, staff and volunteers working with children, young people and
    vulnerable adults understand and accept responsibility for the safeguarding of
    those vulnerable individuals they are interacting with.
  3. Ensure that safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults is a
    primary consideration when BSO undertakes any activity, event or project.

How BSO might come into contact with vulnerable people

  • The BSO runs regular rehearsals for members and put on concerts for the general public. As such our involvement with vulnerable people might include, but is not limited to:
  • Members of the group who attend rehearsals and concerts.
  • Relatives and friends of members who attend rehearsals and concerts in a volunteering capacity.
  • Audience members at public concerts.

Named safeguarding person:

Lana Wood has responsibility for safeguarding issues. All queries and concerns relating to safeguarding should be referred to Lana Wood in the first instance.

Any projects, events or other activities that will involve vulnerable people must be planned with the involvement of Lana Wood and in line with the procedures set out in this policy.

Policy review: This policy will be reviewed and amended (if necessary) on an annual basis by the committee. It will also be reviewed in response to changes in relevant legislation, good practice, or in response to an identified failing in its effectiveness.

Ways for working regarding safeguarding of vulnerable people.

If BSO organises an activity or event where they will be responsible for vulnerable people, they will ensure:

  • Planning is carried out in line with this policy and procedures.
  • The event is attended by an appropriate number of DBS checked adults – this will be a minimum of one.
  • There is a main contact for safeguarding on the day – this will be an individual who has been DBS checked.
  • The main contact has access to emergency contact details and other relevant details (eg information about picking up arrangements for vulnerable people).
  • A vulnerable person is not to be left alone with an adult, unless that adult is DBS checked.
  • Two adults (one DBS checked) should be the last to leave a venue once the activity has finished and will be responsible for ensuring vulnerable people get home safely.

For the purposes of the above ways of working, and for the avoidance of doubt, the presence of vulnerable people in the audience of a performance open to the general public
is not considered to create a position of responsibility on behalf of BSO.

Working with parents/guardians

If a vulnerable person wishes to take part in BSO activities written permission (email is fine)
should be obtained from parents/guardians where appropriate, and before the activity takes
place. Written permission should include emergency contact details of any relevant pick-up
arrangements – including permission for another adult to pick up the vulnerable person after
the activity has finished.

Procedures for raising safeguarding concerns and incidents of abuse.

  • If any member, staff or volunteer in BSO witnesses, suspects or is informed of a witnessed or suspected case of abuse they should immediately report it to the safeguarding officer, Lana Wood.
  • If the safeguarding officer is not available, or is involved in or connected to the abuse, it should be reported to the BSO secretary, James Hall.
  • If an individual wishes to report an incident of abuse against themselves, they should report it to the safeguarding officer or an individual they trust.

Procedures for dealing with concerns and incidents of abuse.

The safeguarding officer (or person reported in their absence) will take action as follows:

  • If the vulnerable person is in immediate danger or needs emergency medical attention – call the police and/or ambulance service.
  • If the person at the centre of the allegation is working with vulnerable persons at the current time – remove them, in a sensitive manner, from direct contact with vulnerable people.
  • Consider whether the incident should be reported to the police.
  • Co-operate fully with the statutory agencies.

We will learn from any incident that arises so as to improve and develop our safeguarding

Good practice

Bushey Symphony Orchestra is committed to protecting children, young and vulnerable
adults from physical, emotional and sexual abuse. All people working or volunteering for, or
on behalf of the BSO will work within the guidelines of this policy for the protection of
children, young people and vulnerable adults.

The following is a summary of good practice guidelines of the policy.
You should:

  • As far as possible not be alone with an individual child or vulnerable adult.
  • Where privacy or confidentiality are important, try to make sure that another adult knows the interview is taking place. The child or vulnerable adult should know who the other people are.
  • Treat everyone with respect and fairness.
  • Be aware of your language, tone of voice and body language.
  • Avoid rough, physical or sexually provocative games.
  • Not be involved in scapegoating, ridiculing or rejecting.
  • Avoid inappropriate and intrusive touching of any form.
  • Not let any child or vulnerable adult involve you in excessive attention seeking that is
  • overtly sexual or physical in nature.
  • Not give lifts to children or vulnerable adults on their own, other than for short journeys and only in exceptional circumstances for longer journeys. If they are alone, ask them to sit in the rear of the vehicle.

If a child confides in you a matter of abuse:

  • Allow the child to speak accepting what is said while passing no judgment.
  • Let them know if, and why you are going to tell anyone.
  • Praise the child for telling and surviving the abuse.
  • Make notes as soon as possible; try to write exactly what the child said.

If abuse is disclosed/discovered, you must:

  • Not delay.
  • Not act alone.
  • Consult with the person to whom you are responsible.

Do not start an investigation. If a child or vulnerable adult is in immediate danger, call the